Statistics on fathers and child custody

On Behalf of | Jul 11, 2022 | Divorce

If you want to secure custody rights as a father, it is vital to go over a number of different topics. In addition to reviewing legal matters, such as different factors that courts consider when making a custody decision, you should also try to prepare from an emotional point of view and take steps to protect your relationship with your child and their best interests.

Sometimes, fathers assume that the mother always has the upper hand and wins a custody battle. However, statistics show that an increasing number of fathers have become custodial parents.

How many custodial parents are fathers?

According to information published by the U.S. Census Bureau, more fathers have become custodial parents in recent years. In 1994, fathers represented 16% of all custodial parents. By 2018, this went up to 20.1%. If you are seeking custody rights as a father, whether you plan on sharing custody with your former spouse or want to have full custody of your children, this data should serve as a source of encouragement.

How many children have a parent living elsewhere?

The Census Bureau also reports that during 2018, roughly 21.9 million kids in the U.S. under 21 had a parent who did not live in their household (26.5% of all children in this age group). It is vital to focus on your child’s well-being and some of the challenges that can arise with respect to custody and visitation. If you become a custodial parent, you need to carefully go over your responsibilities and rights, whether you want to move, receive back child support or deal with any other family law issue.